

Your True Inner Compass


Together, we tune into what I call your True Inner Compass, a GPS to your soul, so that you can live in alignment with your own wisdom and higher Truth- not the one you think you “should” be living from.

I help you dispel and clear limiting beliefs and deconstruct thought patterns, mindset and energetic patterns that keep you stuck.

Using strategic practical strategies that work for REAL life situations, in combination with Universal principals, we shift what has been creating struggle and set you up to actually know how to work through and create and design the kind of life and relationships you want.

We will transform mind, body and soul allowing whatever is unique to you to lead you to the most expansive life you are willing to dream of.

You absolutely can have the happiness and life you desire.


Ways to work with me:


Life Coaching

I work with young adults/teens, women, men, couples and families. I specialize in relationships (all relationships- self, love/partner, children, family of origin, friends, coworkers etc) I also specialize in personal development, anxiety relief, and mindset. Using my system to discovering your True Inner Compass described above we work together either over the phone, by video chat or live in person to help you achieve your goals, create healthy relationships, overcome obstacles, define, heal past hurts and shift patterns in order to create the life you envision.  

I see the potential for you to be all that you desire, I see what you may not yet be able to see and I hold that vision as I vow to walk beside you on the journey.  I take your life seriously, listening, understanding and supporting you. I will discuss insights with you, I will motivate you, I will challenge you, I will care when you hurt.

Many tools will be shared with you, you will be held accountable for what you say you want, you will be encouraged to find your own authentic voice and learn to answer your own questions with your innate wisdom, you will always be honored for where you are. 

By truly understanding your world together we learn about you and enable and empower you to step into the person you always wanted to be, create your own shifts and design the fulfilling life and relationships you desire and deserve.



There are thousands of medical studies that have shown that meditation and mindfulness practices can positively affect and impact mental and physical health.

Some of the benefits include stress reduction, reducing high blood pressure, improved heart health, decreasing depression and anxiety, improving sleep, increasing focus and clarity, slowing the aging process, boosting the immune system, increasing brain neuroplasticity and increasing positive feelings of well being, empathy and a sense of purpose and meaning. 

Meditation has been a life changer for me and I am passionate about sharing it with others. You don’t have to be a guru sitting on a mountaintop or wake up at 5am everyday in order to reap the many benefits of a meditation or mindfulness practice.

It is called a practice because it is not meant to be perfect. Together we can create or deepen a meditation or mindfulness “practice” that fits your lifestyle bringing more peace, joy and balance to your days.

I do private sessions as well as groups, families and children.


Energy Therapy

Quantum physics proves that everything in our Universe is energy. That includes us. Each of us holds our own unique signature frequency and vibration of energy.

Life events, emotions and karma can cause stagnation, shifts or blockages in our energy fields and bodies.  By maintaining a clear flow of energy we can release, shift, heal, grow and come back to a place of centered wholeness. Energy work also helps by raising our frequency to a higher vibration therefore magnetizing more of the life and resonance of joy and love that we truly desire.

Using a combination of intuitive and renowned energy therapies such as Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique, guided frequency meditation together we can facilitate your energetic flow, assist in clearing and gently releasing limiting energy patterns, balancing and empowering your energy field and body. 

When we understand the laws of the Universe and believe ourselves to be part of the integral frequency of all things, affected by and affecting all things, energy work becomes an essential compliment to our desire to heal, grow, optimize our lives, our health, our joy and our purpose. 

Sessions available for adults, children and animals. 

Do you want to learn Reiki for yourself, friends and family? I can help you there too! Just ask and we can arrange training and attunement.  


Contact me for your complimentary discovery call.